Medium - Speaker - Healer
Jackie is from the North East of England. And has a passion for serving the Spirit world in whatever capacity they desire, be it teaching, demonstrating or private sittings.
Jackie inherited her mediumistic ability from her Paternal Grandmother who had died long before Jackie was born.
Jackie’s home is in the industrial town of Middlesbrough but she has been fortunate to share her mediumship all over the UK and the World.
Jackie’s Philosophy has always been;

Due to the success of my mentorships and the demand for me to do more,
I have agreed to do one more.
Spiritualism is a religion I love,
A religion that has strengthened me in my darkest times.
I am so proud to be the 3rd female president in its history.
But I need you all to join me, to help me make our
religion great again. If you are inspired by the changes in my speech,
come and join me.
Together we are stronger.
Let's stand together as one great army of the truth.
Jackie xxx
My work

'Spirit don't want sheep,
They want indivduals'
- Jackie Wright -
I am fortunate enough to have known Jackie now for more years than either of us would care to admit to.
Our relationship started with Jackie being my medium of choice, where I'd go to for my 121 readings, she gave me not only information that brought enormous comfort to me and made me a believer that life goes on with her incredible accuracy, but also guidance and healing that has enabled me to reach a higher potential in life, love and work.
Jackie then became instrumental in guiding me through my own development, teaching in a way unparalleled by any I've seen before. Jackie has an ability to take something taught or written, spend time with it, dismantle it and rebuild it to something that she delivers to her students that makes perfect sense.
Her teaching, methods and modalities constantly evolve, meaning a course you sat in a year ago may still have the same name this year, but will have many different elements and interpretations.
Her commitment to the movement and her desire to drive it forward into the Modern day, be it education, demonstration or even infrastructure, she is an incredible global ambassador for spiritualism on all fronts.
Finally after losing my mum in 2020, I'm the midst of a global pandemic, I reached out to her, its as though she already knew, she immediately came to the aid of me and my 5 brothers, who had not the tools to sort through what we found our selves facing, she gathered us together and she mapped out our mums service with us, she explained everything from start to finish and was a call or a text away through the whole thing.
Then came the service, I've never found the words to say just how incredibly special the service was, we expected sad, difficult what we got was a moment frozen in time secure in our hearts that we take comfort from and will never forget.
An incredible medium , and an exceptional tutor to be sure, however her ministry I believe is probably what defines her the most, we will be eternally grateful to you forever for taking care of mum and all of us.
Much love and light as always.
Paul Maull xx